Welcome to Give as you Live, the online platform that lets you support your favourite charities while you shop online! With Give as you Live, you can raise funds for over 200,000 registered charities simply by shopping at your favourite retailers, at no extra cost to you.
Here’s how it works:
Sign up for a Give as you Live account at www.giveasyoulive.com. It’s free and easy to do!
Choose your favourite charity as the beneficiary of your fundraising efforts. Give as you Live works with over 6,000 retailers in the UK, so you’re sure to find the perfect match for your interests.
Start shopping! Whenever you make a purchase through the Give as you Live website, a percentage of the sale will be donated to your chosen charity. It’s that simple!
With Give as you Live, you can shop for everything from groceries and clothing to electronics and gifts, all while making a difference for your favourite charities. Some of the top retailers that participate in Give as you Live include John Lewis, Argos, and Tesco, so you can shop at all your favourite stores and still support the causes you care about.
Here are a few ways you can make the most of Give as you Live:
Install the Give as you Live browser extension: This handy tool will remind you to shop through Give as you Live whenever you visit a participating retailer’s website, so you never miss an opportunity to raise funds for your chosen charity.
Invite your friends and family to join: The more people who use Give as you Live to shop, the more funds your charitable organization will receive. So be sure to spread the word and invite your friends and family to join in the fundraising efforts.
Shop for special occasions: Give as you Live is a great way to raise funds for your organization while you shop for special occasions like birthdays, holidays, and weddings.
To make it even easier to support your favourite charity through Give as you Live, you can visit the following link: giveasyoulive.com. This will automatically add your chosen charity as the beneficiary of your fundraising efforts. Every purchase you make through Give as you Live helps support your cause, so start shopping today and make a difference!